All email campaigns sent through Findem include the option to add an unsubscribe link. If a candidate who receives the email chooses to unsubscribe, they will be removed from either all sourcing or nurture campaigns going forward, depending on the unsubscribe type. Depending on the type of unsubscribe options you include in your campaign, users can also choose to opt out only of the specific campaign, but still be considered in future sourcing.
What are the differences between unsubscribe links for nurture campaigns and sourcing campaigns?
Because nurture campaigns are marketing emails, an unsubscribe link is always required. If a user unsubscribes from any nurture campaign they're a part of, this will remove them from all nurture campaigns going forward. Note that there is a feature request is to make this more granular (i.e., reject some campaigns and accept others). This would be controlled by the candidate/consumer.
Sourcing campaigns are meant to automate what a recruiter would individually email candidates. The unsubscribe links on sourcing campaigns are optional to include. If an unsubscribe link is used in a sourcing campaign, and the candidate clicks it in the email, they can still appear in your search results for an applicable role, and be shortlisted or put in a talent community, but you will not be able to message them or campaign to them. If you still wish to contact the candidate after this, you can use other/alternate modes of communication like LinkedIn or Github.
How It Works
- Open up an existing email campaign or create a new email campaign.
From Advanced Options menu, toggle the Add an unsubscribe link to each email setting. You can also choose to set "Auto-unsubscribe" if candidates reply with profanity or harsh language.
- This will support automatically unsubscribing people from the company’s nurture campaigns who 1) reply with profanity or 2) reply with text indicating a desire to unsubscribe. This will be as if the candidate clicked the “unsubscribe” link in the email.
- For all new nurture campaigns, these options will be turned on by default.
- Existing campaigns will have the ability to turn on these options.
Checking this option adds an Unsubscribe link to all your emails within this campaign. Unchecking the box will remove the unsubscribe link from your email campaigns.
Federal law requires all email advertisements to provide recipients with a way to opt-out. If you remove the Findem-generated unsubscribe link, you must replace it with one of your own.
Admin Settings for Unsubscribe Links
From the Admin > Organization Settings > Campaigns tab, Admin users can configure Unsubscribe link settings for all users in their Findem org.
The first toggle in this setting will automatically include an Unsubscribe link in every email sent out that's part of an email campaign. When your users are assembling campaigns, they will not have the option to take the Unsubscribe link away unless the second toggle in this menu is also enabled.
The second toggle will allow each user who creates campaigns to decide whether or not to include an Unsubscribe link in the emails. If this toggle is ON, users can go to their campaigns, and from Advanced settings, decide to include the Unsubscribe link in each email.
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